Template:Enemy infobox/doc

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This infobox template is used on enemy pages.


Variable Parameters
name The enemy's name.
title Changes the page title and the displayed name to the given text if the enemy's name uses quotation marks, diacritics, or special characters (that the wiki does not use as page names for easier querying).
displaytitle Changes the displayed name to the given text without changing the page title if the enemy's name uses quotation marks, diacritics, or special characters (that the wiki does not use as page names for easier querying).
image The enemy's sprite image file.
File naming format: [enemy]_sprite.png
code The enemy's codename.
cnname The enemy's original Chinese name (used in the CN server).
If a value is given for tname, this will be distinguished as the Simplified Chinese name.
twname The enemy's Traditional Chinese name (used in the TW server).
jpname The enemy's Japanese name (used in the JP server).
krname The enemy's Korean name (used in the KR server).
type The enemy's type; see Category:Enemy types for the list.
This will categorize the enemy into the specified type.
class The enemy's class (Normal, Elite, or Boss).
This will categorize the enemy into the specified class.
attack The enemy's attack pattern (Melee or Ranged); if the enemy has both a melee and ranged attack, use "Melee/Ranged instead.
Set this value to empty if the enemy has no attack, in which case it defaults to "None".
damage The enemy's damage type; if there are multiple, separate them with a slash.
trait The enemy's trait(s).
form1 The enemy's properties in the first phase, if they have multiple phases.
form2 The enemy's properties in the second phase, if they have multiple phases.
form3 The enemy's properties in the third phase, if they have multiple phases.
form4 The enemy's properties in the fourth phase, if they have multiple phases.
related Up to 6 other enemies related with the subject enemy, separated by commas.
ally Set this to "true" to mark the enemy as an allied unit.
This will categorize the enemy into Category:Allies.