Template:Operator info

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This template is used to display the introduction to an Operator in their main pages.


Add {{Operator info}} at the top of an Operator's main page before {{Operator tab}}.


Variable Parameters
name The Operator's name.
dispname If the Operator's in-game name uses quotation marks, diacritics, or special characters (that the wiki does not use as page names for easier querying), this will change the displayed name.
rarity The Operator's rarity, from 1 to 6.
class The Operator's class.
faction The Operator's faction.
desc The Operator's description.
quote The Operator's quote.
starting Set this to "true" to mark the Operator as those given at the start.
event Set this to an event title to mark the Operator as being awarded from the event.
event obtain The Operator's acquisition method from the event they are awarded from.
store Set this to a Store section to mark the Operator as being available in the specified Store.
obtain The Operator's acquisition method, if it does not fit anywhere else.
skinx Set this to the corresponding Operator's outfit name, substituting x for the outfit's number.