Template:Skill upgrade cell

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Template documentation
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This template is used to create a table listing the necessary materials for an Operator's skill upgrades in conjunction with {{Skill upgrade head}} and {{Skill upgrade end}}.


Add {{Skill upgrade head}}, at least one {{Skill upgrade cell}} or {{suc}}, and {{Skill upgrade end}}.


Variable Parameters
level The skill's level (1 to 7; 8 to 10 stands for Mastery levels).
skill1 The first skill's name for Mastery 1 to 3.
skill2 The second skill's name for Mastery 1 to 3.
skill3 The third skill's name for Mastery 1 to 3.
summary The Skill Summaries needed for the skill's upgrade.
Levels 2 and 3 are automatically set to Skill Summary - 1, while Level 4 to 6 are set to Skill Summary - 2, and Level 7 to Mastery 3 are set to Skill Summary - 3.
summary1 The Skill Summaries - 3 needed for the first skill's Mastery training.
summary2 The Skill Summaries - 3 needed for the second skill's Mastery training.
summary3 The Skill Summaries - 3 needed for the third skill's Mastery training.
m1 The first upgrade material needed for the skill's upgrade and their amount, separated by a comma.
m11 The first upgrade material needed for the first skill's Mastery training and their amount, separated by a comma.
m21 The first upgrade material needed for the first skill's Mastery training and their amount, separated by a comma.
m31 The first upgrade material needed for the third skill's Mastery training and their amount, separated by a comma.
m2 The second upgrade material needed for the skill's upgrade and their amount, separated by a comma.
m12 The second upgrade material needed for the first skill's Mastery training and their amount, separated by a comma.
m22 The second upgrade material needed for the second skill's Mastery training and their amount, separated by a comma.
m32 The second upgrade material needed for the third skill's Mastery training and their amount, separated by a comma.