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This template is used to show an Operator's talent in their respective pages.


Add {{Talent}} on the Operator's Talent(s) section.


To match the in-game formatting, it is recommended to use {{Color}} and {{Glossary}} on {{{3}}}, {{{5}}}, {{{7}}}, {{{9}}}, {{{11}}}, and {{{13}}}.

Variable Parameters
{{{1}}} The talent's name.
{{{2}}} The availability of the talent's first phase.
{{{3}}} The effect of the talent's first phase.
{{{4}}} The availability of the talent's second phase.
{{{5}}} The effect of the talent's second phase.
{{{6}}} The availability of the talent's third phase.
{{{7}}} The effect of the talent's third phase.
{{{8}}} The availability of the talent's fourth phase.
{{{9}}} The effect of the talent's fourth phase.
{{{10}}} The availability of the talent's fifth phase.
{{{11}}} The effect of the talent's fifth phase.
{{{12}}} The availability of the talent's sixth phase.
{{{13}}} The effect of the talent's sixth phase.
lvl The level availability of the talent's first phase.
lvl2 The level availability of the talent's second phase.
lvl2 The level availability of the talent's third phase.
pot2 The Potential availability of the talent's second phase.
pot4 The Potential availability of the talent's fourth phase.
pot6 The Potential availability of the talent's sixth phase.
rpl The name of the replaced talent, if the talent replaces another.